"Gender Balance Power Map" conference : the programme is online !
On 3 March 2016, POUR LA SOLIDARITÉ along with the Gender Balance Power Map project partners, in the frame of the 10th Brussels JUMP Forum, a European conference entitled "Social and conventional enterprises co-inspiring each other to promote gender opportunities". Will contribute to this event several European decision-makers and female top-managers.
Have confirmed their participation :
- Marie Arena, MEP, FEMM Committee member, European Parliament
- Daniela Bankier, Head of unit "Gender Equality", DG JUST, European Commission
- June O’Sullivan, CEO, LEYF Nurseries
- Heather Roy, Secretary general, Eurodiaconia
- Cécile Coune, Co-chairwoman & co-initiator, European Women on Boards
- Radan Šafařík, Member of the Office, Government Council for Equal Opportunities for Women and Men
- Emily Usher, WEstart project manager, European Women Lobby
The speakers will be invited to discuss the corporate and political tools to set up in order to support equal opportunities for women and men regarding the access to decision-making positions in enterprise. Enterprises and managers from all over Europe will be invited to attend this event.
Follow the conference on Twitter : #GenderPowerMap
Free but compulsory registrations before 14 February.
- Isabella Lenarduzzi, Directrice de JUMP (entreprise de promotion de l'égalité des genres en entreprise)
- Ariane Dierickx, Directrice de L’Ilot asbl (centre d'accueil aux sans-abris) et ex-directrice d'Amazone (structure de soutien aux mouvements de femmes).
L'objectif de cette journée est de mieux comprendre les différences entre entreprises de l'économie classique et entreprises de l'économie sociale en ce qui concerne l'accès des femmes aux postes à responsabilité. Les ateliers permettront de contribuer à l'étude réalisée par PLS sur le sujet. Ils s'adressent ainsi aux managers de ces entreprises, mais également aux associations, chercheur-euse-s et pouvoirs publics investis sur la question.
Les inscriptions sont gratuites et accessibles via ce lien.
- See more at: http://www.pourlasolidarite.eu/fr/news/devenir-manager-quand-est-une-fem...