Companies for social change: stopping gender-based violence
Each year, 217 000 women suffer from domestic violence. The workplace often helps them to escape the situation. On 16 June 2016, companies from all over Europe will gather in Brussels for the CARVE final conference (Companies Against Gender Violence) in order to discuss their role in the fight against gender-based violence. Be there!
1 in 3 EU women are victims of violence
The observation is reminding: one in three women in the EU have already been victims of violence. Most of the time, this violence is perpetrated by the partner or a family member. Unfortunately, most of the time, the victim does not have anyone to talk about it. The CARVE project aims to underline innovative practices set up by companies to fight against gender-based violence in five European countries.
Prevention, protection, reintegration
Raising companies’ awareness on gender-based violence allows women to find help within their workplace. Companies benefit from it in two ways: on the one hand, it involves the organisation in a dynamic of social responsibility (CRS), on the other hand, the well-being of its employees is a “plus” in terms of efficiency and job quality. Through prevention, protection or reintegration, the CARVE project aims to engage companies in this fight against gender-based violence.
A European guide encouraging companies to act
During the final event of the project, a wide range of speakers, researchers, trade union representatives, corporate executives and European political leaders will participate in debates with the aim to promote the tools needed for companies to take action. This conference will offer a great networking opportunity to companies willing or already taking actions as co-inspirations and best practice will be exchanged on the subject.
On this occasion, the European guide of best practices published in the frame of the CARVE project will be disseminated!
Practical infos
- Languages : French and English
- Free participation through online registration before 14 June 2016