Improvement of home care and assistance: AT HOME
atHOME aims to develop innovative interprofessional experiences and approaches around maintaining the older people at home. This European project is led by a consortium of 7 partners from France, Belgium, Portugal and Spain.
Conceived in the service of the attractiveness and the development of the competences of the home care, atHOME is spread on two main axes: the development of the professional competences as well for the people without qualification as for the students and the reinforcement of the quality of the care of older persons at home.
Main steps
Within the framework of this project, two work objectives are defined: to allow home helpers to acquire a transferable training in each of the countries involved in the project, and to develop the interaction and cooperation between the various actors of the home in favour of the well-being of the elderly. The two target groups are: active and licensed home helpers and paramedical and social students (social work assistants, occupational therapists, nurses, physiotherapists).
High education students and paramedical training centres will have to produce 4 tools / intellectual productions (MOOC with tutorials, telephone application, film promoting the profession of home help) that will allow job-seekers or home helpers working in the 4 partner countries (Belgium, France, Portugal, Spain) to validate a basic skills base specific to the home sector. Created in permanent interaction between professionals in the field and academics for non-paramedical homeworkers, the project tools will have as a goal to secure first level care and enhance the attractiveness of this profession considered as little value although essential in the primary home care system.
The validation of the basic skills for professionals in post or training or conversion project will be valid in the 4 partner countries and the impact study will disseminate these tools to other European Union countries.
atHOME partners
As part of an Erasmus + strategic partnership, this project brings together 7 organisations with specific and complementary fields of expertise spread over 4 European countries:
- Association de maintien et de soins à domicile de la Haute Gironde - AMSADHG (France)
- ODPS (Portugal)
- Collectif Formation Société - CFS (Belgium)
- IRFSS Nouvelle-Aquitaine (France)
- UPNA (Spain)
- IPP (Portugal)
atHOME in short
- Kick-off, Bordeaux, 18-19 October 2017
- First interprofessional training activity (professionals in the field and academics) to co-construct the educational tools of the project, France, November 2017
- Second Interprofessional Training Activity, Portugal, May 2018
- Film Promoting the home help profession, April 2019
- Mid-term conference presenting the MOOC and the promotional film, Bordeaux, 14 December 2018
- MOOC for home helpers and Jobseekers, October 2019
- The telephone application to help home helpers in decision-making regarding actions to be taken with their elderly beneficiaries, October 2019
- Final conference presenting all the project tools, Brussels, EESC (Room VMA3), 22 October 2019