ANEETs: Apprenticeship, a solution for NEETs in Europe
The project aims to create a network promoting apprenticeships for vulnerable young people "Not in Education, Employment or Training" (NEETs).
In Europe the so-called NEETs are considered as one of the most problematic groups in the context of youth employment. According to Eurostat's estimates, 7.5 million 15-24 year old people and 6 million 25-29 year old people are currently excluded from the labour market and education system in Europe. The project ANEETS falls within the European priorities in terms of employment and inclusion of young people and NEETs. It aims to provide innovative learning tools for NEETs in order to facilitate their professional integration and employment.
The innovative approach of the project ANEETS consists in promoting the development of educational productions and innovative business methods in the professional field as well as creating innovative synergies between businesses, networks of companies and partners supporting young people in order to provide meaningful professional qualifications, innovative methods of preparation for employment and support in training. In order to foster links, the project will adapt the needs of businesses to training developed in the partnership.
Main steps of the ANEETS project
In a first stage, ANEETS will set a benchmark of guidance and professionalisation measures in the framework of apprenticeship contracts in Europe.
This work will lead to the establishement of typology and diagnostics of early-leavers and NEET in each partner country, and identification of leverages of successfull support process.
Based on this diagnostic, a European guide to promote apprenticeship and work towards integration of NEET in the sectors of metallurgy, hospitality (Horeca) and new technologies will be produced, as well as a European toolkit to promote apprenticeship in these three sectors.
In the next phase, the project partners will proceed with test and evaluation of the produced project tools.
The results of the project will be presented at the occasion of a European conference which will take place in Brussels on 29 June 2016.
ANEETs project partners
ANEETs is financed by the European programme Erasmus+.
The project is coordinated by Face Foundation (France) and gathers four other organisations established in Belgium, France, Ireland and Spain:
- European think & do tank POUR LA SOLIDARITÉ (Belgium)
- Ideas Institute (Ireland)
- Espiral Entitat de Serveis (Spain)
ANEETs in short
- Kick-off meeting - Paris, 27-28 April 2015
- Benchmark of guidance and professionalisation measures in the framework of apprenticeship contracts in Europe
- A European guide for sourcing and identification of NEETs
- A European toolkit to promote innovative apprenticeship methods for NEETs
- Test and evaluation of the project products
- A final conference - Brussels, 29 June 2016