ReSolution: training to (re)mobilise people far from employment
Faced with an increased difficulty for European actors in charge of social or professional support for people who are far from employment, the ReSolution project aims to train professionals to innovate in terms of (re)mobilising these people.
People who are far from employment constitute a heterogeneous group within the population aged 15 to 64, whose socio-professional integration is a major challenge, particularly vulnerable young people who are "neither in employment, education nor training" (NEETs), "invisible" people and long-term jobseekers (people who have been unemployed for at least a year). However, the reality is that it is becoming increasingly difficult for European actors in charge of social or professional support for these groups to identify them and to mobilise them to enter into a support process using existing tools.
The main steps
Within the framework of the project, two objectives are set:
- To enable socio-professional integration professionals to acquire new approaches in terms of positive (re)mobilisation of the public, transferable to the countries involved and to other countries outside the project;
- To reinforce the decompartmentalised cooperation between training and socio-professional integration actors.
The target group of the project: socio-professional integration actors, trainers, employment professionals.
The aim of the project is to bring people who are far from employment closer to existing schemes and/or companies in order to help them find a job. To achieve this, it is proposed to train socio-professional support workers in innovative practices for making contact, positive mobilisation and support and advice for people who are far from employment. In particular, the project proposes to develop several free digital resources for integration actors:
- Toolbox of innovations in identifying and mobilising people who are far from employment. This tool will be based on innovative practices identified in Europe by the project partners;
- Training tutorial on the identification/mobilisation of people who are far from employment;
- MOOC (Massive Online Course) on the process of identifying/mobilising people who are far from employment.
In the framework of an Erasmus+ strategic partnership, this project brings together 7 structures with specific and complementary fields of expertise in 5 European countries:
- Institut de l'entreprise et de l'innovation Sociale IDEiS (France), leader
- Réseau International des Cités des métiers RI CDM (France)
- Groupement d’intérêt Public Formation Tout au Long de la Vie GIP FTLV (France)
- CEPS Projectes Socials (Spain)
- Galileo Progetti (Hungary)
- Cooperativa ORSO (Italy)
ReSolution in short
- Kick-off meeting, Montbéliard (France), 3-4 October 2019
- Toolbox, End 2021
- Mid-term conference presenting the progress of the work, France / Visioconference, 17 June 2021
- Training tutorial, End 2021
- MOOC, End 2021
- Final conference presenting all the project tools, Brussels, 14 December 2021