Restructuring the wood sector in Europe: Wood2Good
The Wood2Good (W2G) project has as main objective the analysis of the current situation of restructuring in the sector and establishment of recommendations to ensure a responsible change of wood SMEs oriented to the Green Economy. In order to do so, Pour la Solidarité - PLS is part of a set of actors from 5 European countries.
Wood is one of the most important industrial sectors in Europe, with close to 3 million workers in EU27, and 380,000 enterprises generating an annual turnover of 300 billion euro. Since this sector is mainly made of SMEs, it plays an essential role to achieve EU2020 objectives and especially the flagship initiative “An industrial policy for the globalization era”, that states the improvement of SMEs to foster the development of a strong industry based on innovation.
The wood sector is currently affected by the crisis, especially due to the contraction of the construction sector, key market for wood products. However, as mentioned by the EC in the COM(2008) 113 final, the wood sector currently faces new challenges and opportunities, to implement innovative solutions to answer the fight against climate change and become the competitive sector it is expected to be in Europe.
In this context, the project Wood2Good will have as main objective the analyse of the current situation of restructuring in the sector and establishment of recommendations to ensure a responsible change of wood SMEs oriented to the Green Economy. Thus, the work plan of this project will focus on the comprehension of the current situation of employment and restructuring in the wood sector through the deployment of an international survey made on representatives of the main stakeholders involved in the wood industry.
Wood2Good project partners
Financed by the PROGRESS Programme, this project has been funded with support from the European Commission. The implementation is operated by :
- CEITE (coordinateur) and FEVAMA from Spain ;
- Pour la Solidarité - PLS from Belgium ;
- FCBA from France ;
- Buckinghamshire New University from the United-Kingdom ;
- EFEDOSZSZ from Hungary ;
- Verona Innovazione from Italy.
Wood2Good work plan
W2G has established a work plan divided in several work packages to ensure the development of its activities. Apart from a working package dedicated to the project management and quality assurance, W2G will be made of 4 main implementation Work Packages, each one of them including dissemination tasks to foster the visibility of the actions:
- Improving the comprehension of the employment situation in the Wood sector;
- Exchanges of information on restructuration in the Wood sector;
- In order to explore new possibilities of actuation to anticipate the changes in the wood sector, partners will seek for best practices and innovation collected all over Europe;
- Finally, each partner will share and compare the conclusion of the activities lead in each countries, and discuss together to agree on common recommendations to be disseminated among wood actors at regional, national and European level.