#CEASE_violence : When employers take action against domestic violence 24% of women over the age of 15 have already been victims of domestic violence, and this figure rises to around 30% if we include psychological vio Read more about #CEASE_violence : When employers take action against domestic violence
Activ: A pathway to socio-professional reintegration for women facing domestic violence Since November 2020, the partners of the Erasmus+ Activ project - Acting & Collaborating to Tackle Intimate Violence - have been working togeth Read more about Activ: A pathway to socio-professional reintegration for women facing domestic violence
JOIN THE GAME: Innovative tools to break down career choice barriers for girls and young women Project The JOIN THE GAME project aims to develop an urban game to encourage girls and young women to take on stereotypically masculine professions. Read more about JOIN THE GAME: Innovative tools to break down career choice barriers for girls and young women
Het onthaal van LGBTQIA+-asielzoekers in België verbeteren In het kader van het project, dat mede gefinancierd wordt door de Cel Gelijke kansen van de FOD Justitie, POUR LA SOLIDARITE-PLS publiceert een stu Read more about Het onthaal van LGBTQIA+-asielzoekers in België verbeteren
Belgium adopts a national action plan to combat gender-based violence The National Action Plan against Gender Violence (NAP) 2021-2025 was adopted by all Belgian governments on Friday 26 November 2021. Read more about Belgium adopts a national action plan to combat gender-based violence
Joint Statement against Gendered Islamophobia towards the European Institutions Currently, EU anti-discrimination legislation beyond the spheres of employment, occupational and vocational training only applies to sex and racial Read more about Joint Statement against Gendered Islamophobia towards the European Institutions
Violence against women in Europe: Launch of the 1st guidebook dedicated to improving socio-professional reintegration of women confronted with domestic violence Read more about Violence against women in Europe: Launch of the 1st guidebook dedicated to improving socio-professional reintegration of women confronted with domestic violence
For a successful return to employment of women facing domestic violence Co-funded by the European Erasmus+ programme, the ACTIV project - Acting and Collaborating to Tackle Intimate Violence - has as its main objective Read more about For a successful return to employment of women facing domestic violence
Verbetering van de opvang van LGBTQIA+-vluchtelingen in België Naar aanleiding van de Internationale dag van de mensenrechten en in het kader van het Rainbow Welcome-project, dat mede gefinancierd wordt door de Read more about Verbetering van de opvang van LGBTQIA+-vluchtelingen in België
ACTIV: Combating domestic violence through employment Domestic violence is a scourge of which women are the first and main victims. Read more about ACTIV: Combating domestic violence through employment
The reception of LGBTIQ+ refugees in Europe As part of the Rainbow Welcome! Read more about The reception of LGBTIQ+ refugees in Europe
Take part in our online survey to improve the reception of LGBTQI+ refugees! As part of the European RainboW! Read more about Take part in our online survey to improve the reception of LGBTQI+ refugees!